
На станциях TOK BOR можно подзарядиться без депозита
Теперь, чтобы подзарядиться на станциях TOK BOR, достаточно иметь на счету сумму от 10 тысяч сумов. Компания также предлагает сотрудничество представителям бизнеса на выгодных условиях.

The first TOK BOR charging station for electric vehicles was installed at the Kamchik pass
TOK BOR has more than 50 stations in our city.

Tok Bor’dan GBT DC – endi Xitoy elektromobillari ham foydalanishlari mumkin
Tok Bor kompaniyasi ushbu voqeaga ikki yil davomida intildi va bugun faxr bilan Tok Bor tarmog‘idagi birinchi DC stansiyasi elektromobillarni quvvatlash uchun ishga tushganligini ma’lum qiladi.

GBT DC от TOK BOR теперь доступен для китайских электромобилей
На быстрой зарядной станции постоянного тока DC от TOK BOR могут заряжаться электромобили с китайским и европейским разъемами, а также через переходник — американские и корейские авто.

TOK BOR launches GBT DC station for Chinese electric vehicles
Two electric vehicles with Chinese (GB/T) and European (CCS Combo 2) plugs can be charged at the same time at this online station. It is also possible to charge American and Korean electric vehicles (CCS Combo 1) via an adapter.

TOK BOR proposes to invest in electric vehicle charging stations
The TOK BOR complex includes user, client and server parts with embedded local payment systems.

“Makro” capture of the first stage of the electric vehicles charging stations network in Uzbekistan
Charging station data is expected per charge in both China and Europe. And in the Tok Bor app, you can always find out the location of electric vehicles charging stations, as well as the availability of the necessary ports.

A fast charging station for electric cars appeared in Samarkand at the filling station of the network of “Uzbekneftegaz” JSC UNG Petro
Another station for fast charging of electric vehicles has opened in Samarkand.

Case from TokBor: why we launched a network of electric vehicle charging stations in Uzbekistan and how we make money on it
TokBor founder Erkin Ruzmatov told Spot why European stations had to be finalized for Uzbekistan and how much the charge of an electric car is enough.

Another fast charging station for TokBor electric cars has appeared in Tashkent. Charging takes 15 minutes
Today, seeing an electric car on the roads of Uzbekistan is becoming the order of the day. For 4 months of this year, 156 electric vehicles were brought to Uzbekistan.