TOK BOR launches GBT DC station for Chinese electric vehicles
Two electric vehicles with Chinese (GB/T) and European (CCS Combo 2) plugs can be charged at the same time at this online station. It is also possible to charge American and Korean electric vehicles (CCS Combo 1) via an adapter.
As the head of TOK BOR TOK BOR Erkin Ruzmatov, told us, the company has been moving towards this event for two years, and today the first and long-awaited GBT DC station in the TOK BOR network is already available for charging of electric vehicles.
The charging speed of the DC-station up to 80% is from 20 to 45 minutes.
For the convenience of electric drivers, each station has been connected to the TOK BOR server for a year now. Using the TOK BOR application, users can immediately receive information about charging stations and their workload. Tracking this, in the first 6 hours, 12 electric vehicles arrived for the new fast charging, and this is the average load of AC charging stations over 2 weeks.
For reference:
Today, TOK BOR has already installed 25 charging stations throughout the country. The future plans of TOK BOR include the rapid development of a network of electric vehicle charging stations throughout Uzbekistan, in connection with which legal entities and individuals who are ready to invest in charging stations are invited to cooperate, which will create a monthly stable income for them.
Address: Shakhrisabz str., 31 B (landmark: hotel Le Grande Plaza, Bla Bla bar)
Phone: + 998 787-777-787
Ссылка на статью - https://themag.uz/post/tok-bor-zapustil-stanciju-gbt-dc-dlja-kitajskih-jelektromobilej
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