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Akdarya district, at the "Loish Zapravka Metan" parking lot

We launched a TOKBOR charging station with a capacity of 160 kW GBT/GBT in Samarkand region, Akdarya district, at the "Loish Zapravka Metan" parking lot, .

The location is located along the M-37 highway.

Move throughout Uzbekistan with TOKBOR!

In the SAVAGE sports club parking

In the SAVAGE sports club parking lot, we installed 2 TOKBOR charging stations with a capacity of 160 kW GBT/GBT and GIBRID.

While you are exercising in the multifunctional sports center, your car is recharged.

Enjoy charging with TOKBOR!

Samarkand, in the parking lot of the "KARAVAN" store

We installed 2 TOKBOR charging stations with a capacity of 60 kW GBT/CCS2 and 120 kW GBT/GBT in the city of Samarkand, in the parking lot of the "KARAVAN" store, .

Now at this location 1 European and 3 Chinese electric cars will be able to charge simultaneously.

Move around Uzbekistan together with TOKBOR!

Fergana region, in the Yazyavan district, in the ABU DHABI parking lot

We installed 2 TOKBOR charging stations with a capacity of 60 kW GBT and GIBRID in Fergana region, in the Yazyavan district, in the ABU DHABI parking lot.

The location is located in the very center of the Fergana Valley, at the intersection of 4 directions: Andijan, Namangan, Kokand, Fergana.

Move throughout Uzbekistan with TOKBOR!

Guzar district, in the parking lot of the "Marjon" cafe

We installed TOKBOR charging stations with a capacity of 60 kW GBT and GIBRID GBT in Kashkadarya region, in Guzar district, in the parking lot of the "Marjon" cafe

Stop for a snack while the electric car refills its charge.

Move throughout the republic with TOKBOR

GIBRID GBT charging stations in the “HAYAT BUSINESS CENTER” parking lot

We launched 2 TOKBOR GIBRID GBT charging stations in the “HAYAT BUSINESS CENTER” parking lot.

Address: Yunusabad district, makhalla "Ok tepa" , Ukituvchilar street, building 3.

Buy building materials while your car is charging.

Enjoy charging with TOKBOR!

Kokand, in the parking lot of the "Ko’z klinika Iris" clinic

We installed a TOKBOR GIBRID GBT charging station in Fergana region, the city of Kokand, in the parking lot of the "Ko’z klinika Iris" clinic.

Spend time benefiting your body while the electric car replenishes its charge.

Move throughout the republic with TOKBOR

Nurabad district, in the "Jom Choyxona" parking lot

We installed a TOKBOR GIBRID GBT charging station in Samarkand region, in the Nurabad district, in the "Jom Choyxona" parking lot,

Stop for a snack and charge your hybrid for the long journey.

Move throughout the republic with TOKBOR

In the parking lot of the Sirdarya region music drama theater.

We installed TOKBOR charging stations with a capacity of 60 kW GBT and GIBRID GBT in Sirdarya region, city of Gulistan, in the parking lot of the Sirdarya region music drama theater.

While the electric car replenishes its charge, enjoy the play.

Move throughout the republic with TOKBOR

GBT in the parking lot of the “HAYAT” trading house

We launched a TOKBOR charging station with a capacity of 60 kW GBT in the parking lot of the “HAYAT” trading house.

Address: Yunusabad district, Makhalla “Begubor”, the 18th quarter, building 50 A

Make healthy purchases while your electric car refills its charge.

Enjoy charging with TOKBOR!