TOKBOR PRO Launches Powerful Electric Vehicle Charging Station at Befit Pro
BeFit PRO offers to energize not only athletes, but also their electric cars with the help of the TOKBOR PRO charging complex.
On May 4, the opening of the first most powerful electric vehicle charging stations for took place on the territory of the Befit Pro fitness complex. TOKBOR Pro is a charging station that has the most common connectors for both quick and fast charging. Representatives of large electric car dealerships in Uzbekistan were invited to demonstrate the capabilities of the new device.
TOKBOR Pro, installed on the territory of the Befit Pro fitness complex, is one of the most powerful charging complexes in Uzbekistan, capable of simultaneously generating 104 kWh of electricity. Three electric vehicles can be charged here at the same time.
TOKBOR has developed and implemented a unique project for Uzbekistan to create a charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. According to the creators of the project, car owners should be able to quickly and comfortably charge their electric car and go further.
Erkin Ruzmatov
Head of TOK BOR
TOKBOR Pro combines all the most common connectors for more and more fast charging. One of the main features of this charging complex is its 100% environmental friendliness, since it is powered by energy from the Burijar hydroelectric power station.
In parallel with the development of charging stations, TOKBOR carried out work on the acquisition of European software, its translation into Uzbek, integration with local payment systems, and so on. Now users just need to download the application and register in it. After that, in real time, you can track the location of all gas stations in Uzbekistan, the status of ports of interest (busy / free) and even book them remotely.
In just one month, TOKBOR equipped the all-season ski resort Amirsoy Mountain Resort, the Anhor Lokomotiv park in the capital, and two stations of the Uzbekneftegaz national gas station network with charging stations. In addition, we have delivered stations for 20 branches of the Makro supermarket chain. At the same time, we are open to cooperation, and any large company that wants to create its own network of charging stations for electric vehicles at its locations can become a TOKBOR partner.
Jakhongir Navruzov
CEO and co-founder of Befit Fitness and Wellness
Stations for electric cars are innovative and trendy. Befit is a powerhouse in the fitness industry and that's why we want to be first in this too. We promote environmental friendliness and a healthy lifestyle, and this is not only sports and proper nutrition - it's all in general.
Recently, trends are changing, more and more electric cars are appearing in the country. And so now we can offer an additional service for our dear client. While the visitors of our center will train or swim in the pool, their car will be charged.
This is our second joint project - the first Befit already has a similar power plant. But the main difference of the new station is its power and increased charging speed.
Dilshod Farkhodov
Marketing Officer at Orient Motors
The TOKBOR project is very good. The development of such stations in the city allows you to fight the main stereotypes about electric cars. Today, motorists are afraid to switch from cars with internal combustion engines to electric cars. The main question we hear is: “What if I stall on the road? And where do we have the infrastructure for such cars? In fact, each electric car has its own charging station, which can be connected even at home. And each automaker makes it possible to separately purchase fast charging, which runs on 380 volts. In addition, the market for electric cars is developing, we have a lot of similar cars, among which there are not only expensive, but also budget models from various manufacturers.
Thanks to projects such as TOKBOR, the consumer will be much more comfortable and easier to decide on the purchase of an electric car. And the more stations, the less fear for those who still doubt whether they need an electric car.
Aleksandr Abdullaev
Head of Megawatt Motors
Electric vehicles are a trend not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout the world. They are bright, fast, safe, economical and environmentally friendly.
The stations that are opening today are necessary for the most part in order to remove the fears and stereotypes of potential buyers of electric cars about the fact that if they drive electric cars, then at some point right on the road they may run out of charging, and they will not be able to connect to electricity. Many people think that an electric car will travel a maximum of 50 kilometers and get up. In fact, this cannot happen - the average electric car travels 400-500 km on one charge. The average city dweller travels no more than 70 km per day. Taxi drivers drive more - 200-250 km per day.
Link to the article: https://themag.uz/post/tokbor-pro-otkrytie-moshhnoj-zarjadnoj-stancii-dlja-jelektromobilej
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